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About Us

Westhampton United Methodist Church is an intergenerational church in Richmond, Virginia. We celebrated our 100th anniversary in November 2024. As we enter our second century, we remain committed to growing in grace and in the knowledge and love of God, investing in the next generation, and sharing the love of Christ through mission and service.

Sunday Mornings

10:15 AM — Fellowship Café

We serve coffee and connect with one another in the Fellowship Hall before worship. Be our guest.


11:00 AM — Worship in the Sanctuary

A family-friendly traditional service. We sing timeless hymns of the faith, reflect upon scripture together, and join our hearts in prayer. ​​​

Our Staff

Aaron Office 2.jpg

Aaron Miller


Photo of Nat Tuck

Nat Tuck

Music Director


Ashley Tommaso

Director of Youth & Children's Ministries

Photo of Michelle Payne

Michelle Payne

Administrative Assistant

Photo of Alex Strabley

Alex Strabley

Director of Westhampton Day School

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We are a church committed to growing in grace and in the knowledge and love of God, to investing intentionally in the next generation, and to sharing the love of Christ through mission and service.


We seek to further the mission of The United Methodist Church — to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.


John Wesley and the early Methodists placed primary emphasis on Christian living — putting faith and love into action. This emphasis on what Wesley called "practical divinity" continues to be a hallmark of United Methodism today.​


On November 9, 1924, the Westhampton Methodist Church was officially organized. The first services were held in a large tent erected on a lot adjacent to the Masonic building during the summer of 1925.


The congregation began to worship in its first sanctuary in 1939. Our current sanctuary was built in 1950. The Christian Education building was added between 1953 and 1967.  


A primary mission outreach of Westhampton UMC in our community is the Westhampton Day School (WDS). Since its opening in 1953, WDS has been an active part of the Westhampton community. The nationally accredited and award-winning school now provides a full-day curriculum for 180 students and employs over 40 dedicated educators.

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