Children's Ministry
Westhampton's Children's Ministry creates opportunities for children (K4–5th Grade) to grow in faith and friendship. We offer engaging lessons, fun activities, and meaningful experiences that help children understand God's love. We hope your family will join us on Sunday mornings, as we grow in faith, friendship, and make lasting memories!​​
Email Ashley Tommaso, our Director of Youth & Children's Ministries, to learn more: (ashley@westhamptonumc.org).

Sunday Morning Children’s Ministry @ Westhampton:
11:00 am — Children gather for worship in the Sanctuary with their family
~11:10 am — Children’s Moment in the Worship Service
~11:15 am — Children ages 4K–3rd Grade are invited upstairs for Children’s Church, an engaging time of fellowship and learning, including an age-appropriate Bible lesson, crafts, and fun activities. Children's Church is held on the 2nd floor of our Education Building.
~12:00 pm — When the Worship Service concludes, parents come upstairs for pick-up.
Email Ashley Tommaso, Director of Youth & Children's Ministries, to learn more: ashley@westhamptonumc.org.